Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Plan Approved

The Senate approved Obama’s $838 billion economic stimulus bill with only three Republicans supporting the package.

Arlen Specter, one of the three senators breaking with their parties said: “The country cannot afford not to take action”.

I just wonder what all the other Republicans were thinking when they voted against the stimulus plan. They were probably thinking that the interest of their party is far more important than that of the country. There is no other logical explanation.

"When the town is burning, you don't check party labels. Everybody needs to grab a hose." This is how Obama tried to encourage bipartisan support for his plan to no end.

"The situation we face could not be more serious. We have inherited an economic crisis as deep and as dire as any since the Great Depression," explained Obama.

Despite the lack of unity, the dollar got a boost against most foreign currencies as a result of the approval. Markets seem to reward the efforts made to recover the economy.

And they are right to do so if what Obama says comes true:

"This plan will put people back to work right now,"

He expects the stimulus plan to create millions of jobs by building wind turbines and solar panels, upgrading schools, computerizing the health care system, building broadband Internet lines and rebuilding crumbling roads, bridges, dams and levees.

No matter what happens, I feel that we have just seen one of the most important milestones of Obama’s presidency.


  1. The Obama stimulus package is terrifying.

    CBO: Obama stimulus harmful over long haul

    800 Billion Reasons To Be Worried

    True Cost of Stimulus: $3.27 Trillion

  2. 40 MILLION FOR A MOUSE, 2 BILLION FOR ACORN, ANOTHER 40 MILLION FOR STD'S Bunny Ranch bail out. You have not read the package and it was so crittacle that BO took the weekend off before signing it. So much pok and me with out BBQ sauce.
