Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Keyes: Stop Obama or U.S. will cease to exist

This video must have been hard to watch for Obama Supporters such as myself, but if we are to accept all the different aspects of reality we had better face this one as well. One claim of the video that I confute is regarding the economic stimulus plan. Alan Keyes says the money to stimulate the economy came from the air. I say it does not matter where it came from (whether it is borrowed or taken from other fields) as long as it is spent on generating additional demand that otherwise just would not be there. This is the only way to get the economy rolling again. The bank bail out package is a different issue, but not Obama's decision, is it?


  1. I knew Alan Keyes was conservative and a little weird, but my effing god! Somebody phone the mothership!

  2. Don't worry, just an idiot babbling around...
