Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chance for change

Two million people gathered to watch Obama make his presidential speech and many more millions watched him on television and the internet throughout the world. Never before had a political figure attracted such enormous attention. Why? Because America, as much as the whole world, was crying out for change.

"We have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord."

Strangely enough, the first black man to be elected to president of the United States happens to be the man who unified a divided American nation at a critical time of history.The decisions made in the white house in the coming years will affect hundreds of millions of people and their offspring. Decisions about peace and war in the middle east and the sources of energy we use to fuel our cars and light our homes will make the lives of many miserable or happy. We should be hopeful, as we assigned the possible best man to make these decisions.

We should be hopeful, because Obama said that:
"...without a watchful eye, the market can spin out of control..."

A sentence, marking the end of an ultra liberal economic era, that should have been said years ago. We should be hopeful that the state will regain its function of control over the free market and the distribution of wealth will be more equal. We should be hopeful that in the future market prices will reflect the real value of commodities rather than speculations.

We should be hopeful that all those people who have been mislead and disappointed by politicians will recover their trust in the democratic ideals and once again they will get involved. They will devote some of their time and energy to public issues, participate in public debates and contribute in any way they can.

Because, as Obam said in his speech:
"This is the price and the promise of citizenship."

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I am sure he will do his very best to dig the US out of the deep hole it fell into.
